Sunday, January 25, 2009

Project 365, Day 25

It started out innocently enough. Griffin was looking for his Transformers DVD this morning. We looked through the video cabinet in the living room but it wasn't there. So we figured it had to be in his bedroom. I walked in and immediately realized the futility of this endeavor. Griffin's bedroom was, to put it mildly, a pigsty. It was beyond even my normally lax cleanliness standards.

So, we had ourselves a project.

We spent a good five hours purging all of the crap from his room. What you see here is Griffin atop the pile of stuff we took out. There are four bags of old clothes to be donated to our church, SEVEN bags of assorted old toys (mostly games and puzzles that were missing pieces, Happy Meal toys and what seemed to be a thousand Mr. Potato Head pieces) that are getting thrown away, along with one bag of toys that are in good enough shape to be donated.

If you could see how small his room is, you would be amazed that all of this stuff even fit in there in the first place. I know I am.

Oh, and we never did find that Transformers DVD.

It all started with Transformers...

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