The day is finally here. My baby boy is five years old today. Being home with him for the past year, watching him grow, has been the most amazing gift I could ever receive. I've learned a lot from him this year...
...that it is possible to watch the Transformers movie every single day and not have your head explode.
...that making a level-4 Transformer go from vehicle mode to robot mode is something best left to children.
...that he can do anything he sets his mind to - including going from being terrified of water to being a member of the swim team in just four months.
...that he is quite the social butterfly; he quickly became the swim team mascot this year, with everyone going out of their way to give him high-fives each time he swam. And when I drop him off at school he is always greeted by a chorus of "Hi Griffin!" from all of his friends.
...that he's damn good at Wii Bowling.
...that he is probably the most competitive kid out there - everything is a race or a competition for this child, especially with his brother. Silly things like who can get to the car first or who can buckle their seatbelt first.
...that he is still an imp.
...that he will most likely be a very talented musician - he just seems to have an ear for music.
...that he still has an irrational distaste for any domesticated animal.
...that he is at least as brilliant as his brother.
...that he is the most bull-headed child ever.
...that his smile can brighten my whole day.
...that he is beautiful and peaceful and angelic when he sleeps. I love to watch him sleep.
...that despite his desire for independence, he's still a mama's boy at heart.
Happy birthday, Angel Pie. I love you.
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