Sunday, April 13, 2008

Grant Around Town

With the nice weather finally here, I've been on the lookout for some new locations for portrait sessions. I had already decided on the railroad tracks by the high school, and then driving around today I saw the little brick building in front of the War Memorial and thought that would make a great backdrop for some pictures. So I grabbed my old reliable model, Grant, and set out for some shootin'...

A few on the tracks...

...then some at the brick building, which I think belongs to the water department.

Things started off pretty silly...

Snaggletooth!! Gee, do you think there's an orthodontist in our future??

Those eyes just kill me!!

I have no idea what he was doing in these...

Just being our goofy Grant, I guess.

Stifling a laugh.

Then we settled down to some more serious shots...

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