Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Falling water

Yesterday the boys and I made a trip to Chittenango Falls State Park. It was a beautiful, sunny day here in Fulton, and for most of the hour-long drive to the park, but as soon as we drove through the front gate it started raining. Of course. Fortunately it let up within about ten minutes, and we had the place almost completely to ourselves. I took waaaaay too many pictures, as you can tell. :) I just love waterfalls.

The very top of the falls.

Looking upstream.

Taken from a little overlook area about halfway down the trail which leads to the bottom of the falls. And can I mention that I was wearing the totally wrong shoes for a hike down (and then back up!) wet wooden stairs and a rocky trail. Must plan better next time!

Taken from a little bridge that crosses the water just past the bottom of the falls.

Is that grass really growing out of a rock??

These last few are just some shots of the water flowing around the rocks below the falls. I love the way it just swirls around.

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