Saturday, August 18, 2007

Loop Around the Lake

Today was the Fulton YMCA's annual "Loop Around the Lake" 15K run. My good friend Kristen was in charge of organizing the volunteers for the event, so naturally I volunteered. Griffin and I assisted Kristen and her daughter Hannah at a water station (out on Lakeshore Road, for the local folks reading this). Kristen and Hannah handed out the water, Griffin's job was to chase down the cups after the runners dropped them, and I was of course in charge of photography.

It was an absolutely beautiful day - cool, breezy and full of sun.

Our station was at about the 7-mile mark, so we had some time to goof around before our first "customers" arrived.

Eventually we had to get to work.

Griffin did his job very well.

Griffin was also in charge of clapping for all of the runners.

The last runner stopped to chat for a minute...

...and then headed off.

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