Sunday, October 5, 2008

Duncan Has His Say

Let's get one thing straight right up front: I don't smile. You can make all the silly noises and funny faces that you want, but you will never see the corners of my mouth turn upwards. I thought I made that clear to this strange lady with the camera months ago. But apparently she doesn't learn. And is she ever persistent! I was glad to see all of the rain out my window yesterday; that meant the whole picture-taking deal was canceled. Oh, but that darn sun had to come out today, and there she was again, pointing that silly camera at me. {sigh}

Nope, no smiling. I'll sit here in Grandma's chair and look cute, but I will not smile.

I'll stare at you with my big eyes and make you beg for a smile, but you're not gonna get one.

Ooooh, flowers! I love flowers. I'll grab some and I'll have fun with them, but they won't make me smile.

I'll just eat them and watch the adults go crazy trying to stop me. I'll be smiling on the inside.

Because I don't smile. I know you think you can make me, but... HEY, THAT'S NOT A SMILE! It's just gas, I assure you. No, it is not a smile!

Like I said, I will stare at you all day with my big beautiful eyes, but there will be no smiling.

What was that you said? The crazy camera lady is leaving and Mom's got me back in her arms? OK, maybe just one little smile. But no more!!

1 comment:

Jennifer of VanSuydam Photographers said...

Love the processing of the second photo, Jen - beautiful. :)